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Breaking changes

When v2 comes (if):

  • the following reducers now raise ValueError if initial is passed:
       * ArrayDistinct
       * CountDistinct
       * First
       * Last
       * MaxRow
       * MinRow
       * SortedArray
       * Dict
       * DictArray
       * DictArrayDistinct
       * DictCount
       * DictCountDistinct
       * DictFirst
       * DictLast
       * DictMax
       * DictMin
       * DictSum
       * DictSumOrNone

1.0.0 (2023-03-23)

  • renamed all non-public modules so the only supported way to import is directly from "convtools", e.g.:

    • from convtools import conversion as c
    • from convtools import DateGrid, DateTimeGrid
  • contrib ones are left as is:

    • from convtools.contrib.tables import Table
    • from convtools.contrib.fs import split_buffer

0.37.0 (2022-09-29)

Changed add_label signature from:

(...).add_label(label_name: t.Union[str, dict], conversion)
(...).add_label(label_name: t.Union[str, dict])
The reason is that it had confusing behavior of applying the conversion after labeling.

0.24.0 (2022-05-29)


When you use c.item(c.item("key")), it generates data_[data_["key"]] under the hood. However reducers (c.ReduceFuncs objects) used to replace the input data for subsequent conversions with the reducer result, which was an inconsistency (so that "key" was taken off of the reducer result, not its input).

Now, the following is impossible: c.aggregate(reducer.item(c.item("key"))) because c.item("key") is neither a group by field, nor a reducer.

0.19.0 (2021-10-28)


Normally you use c.ReduceFuncs.Sum(c.this()) to reduce something, but it's possible to use custom reduce functions like this:

  • c.reduce(lambda x, y: x + y, c.this(), initial=0)
  • c.reduce(c.inline_expr("{} + {}"), c.this(), initial=0)

c.reduce used to support prepare_first parameter which was adding confusion. Now it's dropped.

0.12.0 (2021-05-10)


  • .filter was unified across the library to work with previous step results only, no longer injecting conditions inside comprehensions & reducers. Now to pass conditions to comprehensions & reducers, use the following:
c.ReduceFuncs.Array(c.item("a")).filter(c.item("b") == "bar")
c.ReduceFuncs.Array(c.item("a"), where=c.item("b") == "bar")
# if the condition is to be applied before the aggregation
# or leave as is if you want to filter the resulting array
  • c.generator_comp(...).filter(condition) no longer pushes condition inside the comprehension, the filtering works on resulting generator
c.generator_comp(c.item("a")).filter(c.item("b") == "bar")
c.generator_comp(c.item("a"), where=c.item("b") == "bar")
# if the condition is to be put to the IF clause of the comprehension to
# work with the input elements or leave it as is if you want to filter the
# resulting generator

The same applies to:

  • c.list_comp
  • c.tuple_comp
  • c.set_comp
  • c.dict_comp

0.11.0 (2021-05-06)


  • fixed GroupBy.filter method to return generator by default, instead of list