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Exception handling

Avoid exception handling in conversions as long as possible, because it reduces clarity and can hide issues in the code.


Experimental feature

It was added on Feb 21, 2024 and may be stabilized ~ in half a year.

c.try_(conv).except_(exc_def, value, re_raise_if=None) conversion wrapper allows to handle exceptions:

  • conv: a conversion, which is expected to raise an exception
  • exc_def: exception class or tuple of exception classes to be caught
  • re_raise_if (optional): if it evaluates to true, the caught exception is re-raised
from convtools import conversion as c

converter = (
        c.try_(c.item(0) / c.item(1))
        .except_(ZeroDivisionError, value=c.this, re_raise_if=c.item(0) == 0)
        .except_(TypeError, None)

assert converter([(1, 2), (3, 0), (4, "abc")]) == [0.5, (3, 0), None]
def except_(data_):
        return data_[0] / data_[1]
    except ZeroDivisionError as exc_:
        if data_[0] == 0:
        return data_
    except TypeError as exc_:
        return None

def converter(data_):
        return [except_(i) for i in data_]
    except __exceptions_to_dump_sources: