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1.8.0 (2024-03-06)

  • added experimental Table.wide_to_long method

1.7.0 (2024-02-21)

  • added experimental c.try_(conv).except_(exc_def, value, re_raise_if=None) conversion to handle exceptions

1.6.0 (2024-02-07)

  • added experimental c.this.dispatch(key, key_to_conv, default) to switch between conversions based on dict lookups

1.5.1 (2023-10-08)

  • added python 3.12 benchmark results
  • added python 3.12 heuristics

1.5.0 (2023-07-30)


  • added c.format_dt() and (...).format_dt(): speed optimized implementation of datetime.strftime


  • added "Benefits" section to the docs, added performance benchmarks to docs

1.4.0 (2023-06-28)


  • added optional if_exists=True parameter to c.Mut.del_item and c.Mut.del_attr

    • c.Mut.del_item("d", if_exists=True) drops "d" key if it exists

1.3.0 (2023-04-11)


  • added __pow__ operator and corresponding c.this.pow(...) method
  • added c.expect(condition, error_msg=None) and c.this.expect(...) method which check input for condition and raises c.ExpectException if condition fails

1.2.0 (2023-04-10)


  • The following reducers never really worked with initial keyword argument because the underlying data structure was never exposed and this led to undefined behavior. Until v2.0 such reducers with internals_are_public == False will ignore initial, in v2.0 if initial is passed, they will raise ValueError:
   * ArrayDistinct
   * CountDistinct
   * First
   * Last
   * MaxRow
   * MinRow
   * SortedArray
   * Dict
   * DictArray
   * DictArrayDistinct
   * DictCount
   * DictCountDistinct
   * DictFirst
   * DictLast
   * DictMax
   * DictMin
   * DictSum
   * DictSumOrNone


  • now c.ReduceFuncs.Count() counts rows, while c.ReduceFuncs.Count(c.this) counts not None values; both of these used to calculate rows (like SQL's count(*))
  • now c.ReduceFuncs.DictCount(c.this) counts rows, while c.ReduceFuncs.DictCount(c.item("key"), c.item("value")) counts not None values; both of these used to calculate rows (like SQL's count(*))

1.1.2 (2023-03-27)


  • fixed c.naive internals to work with pypy

1.1.1 (2023-03-27)


  • weakened python version requirements: changed ">=3.6,<3.12" to ">=3.6"

1.1.0 (2023-03-24)


  • added default to c.date_parse and c.datetime_parse to return when no formats fit

1.0.0 (2023-03-23)


  • stabilized API


  • renamed all non-public modules so the only supported way to import is directly from "convtools", e.g.:

    • from convtools import conversion as c
    • from convtools import DateGrid, DateTimeGrid
  • contrib ones are left as is:

    • from convtools.contrib.tables import Table
    • from convtools.contrib.fs import split_buffer

0.42.4 (2023-03-22)


  • locked CI dependencies
  • switched packaging to hatch
  • dropped and setup.cfg in favor of pyproject.toml

0.42.3 (2023-03-15)


  • fixed c.group_by for cases with input_arg/label inside and iter/as_type/sort/tap methods called on it

0.42.2 (2023-03-14)


  • fixed c.group_by for cases where group by keys are generated functions (e.g. deep attr lookup with default). No worries about silent errors, it used to fail hard.

0.42.1 (2023-02-20)


  • fixed Table.join for cases where the right part has internal row type different from the left one

0.42.0 (2023-01-29)


  • introduced c.iter_unique(element_conv=None, by_=None) and (...).iter_unique methods which define a conversion, which iterates over the input and yields values unique based on the provided condition

0.41.0 (2023-01-16)


  • introduced c.date_parse / c.datetime_parse shortcut and extension of datetime.strptime
  • introduced c.date_trunc / c.datetime_trunc to truncate dates to years, months, days-of-week, etc. (including multiples of them like quarters - 3mo). Support offsets.
  • introduced DateGrid / DateTimeGrid helpers to build gap-less series of dates/datetimes. Support offsets.

0.40.2 (2022-12-19)


  • updated pipe inlining weights
  • added initial set of benchmarks to catch regressions

0.40.1 (2022-12-19)


  • fixed group by code generation: unnecessary comprehension condition

0.40.0 (2022-12-18)


  • simplified inner group by code generation
  • updated c.group_by, (...).pipe and comprehensions to delegate method calls to their internals where possible
  • updated internals of code generation, fixed random seed for reproducible code generation
  • internally replaced FilterConversion with c.iter
  • added internal (...).to_iter() method (may become public later, once documented)

0.39.0 (2022-12-06)


  • reworked c.join so it has its custom simpler implementation (on python 3.9 it has become approximately 1.62x, 1.95x, 2.15x times faster for inner, left and outer joins correspondingly)

0.38.0 (2022-10-26)


  • introduced cumulative conversions: c.iter(c.cumulative(c.this, c.this + c.PREV))
  • introduced c.if_multiple((c.this < 0, c.this * 10), (c.this == 0, None), else_=5)

0.37.0 (2022-09-29)


  • changed signature: (...).add_label(label_name: t.Union[str, dict], conversion) to (...).add_label(label_name: t.Union[str, dict]). The reason is that it had confusing behavior of applying the conversion after labeling.

0.36.0 (2022-09-20)


  • added Table.explode method to explode a table to a long format by exploding a column with iterables

0.35.0 (2022-09-18)

DROPPED Experimental - contrib.models

One day this may become a separate lib (if pydantic v2 turns to be not what it claims to be), but not today while all python typing internals are unstable.

0.34.0 (2022-07-26)


  • updated Table to support ellipsis to signify other non-mentioned columns so it's possible to easily re-arrange columns like this: table.take("c", ...) / table.take(..., "a", "b")

0.33.2 (2022-07-22)


  • fixed c.iter_windows for empty collection cases

0.33.1 (2022-07-14)

Experimental - contrib.models

  • fixed ProxyObject to properly forward getattr calls to a wrapped object (required in cases where cyclic dependencies exist)

0.33.0 (2022-07-14)

Experimental - contrib.models

  • [BREAKING] contrib.models: renamed cached_model_method to cached_model_classmethod
  • contrib.models cached_model_classmethod now allows to call it from sibling class methods (it no longer requires version parameter, its signature now is cls, data)

0.32.0 (2022-07-12)


  • introduced c.iter_windows(width=7, step=1) / (...).iter_windows(...) conversions, which iterate through an iterable and yield windows as tuples

0.31.0 (2022-07-06)

Experimental - contrib.models

  • added Enum validator, e.g. validators.Enum(UserDefinedEnum) to check whether an object is a valid value of a provided Enum subclass

0.30.0 (2022-07-06)

Experimental - contrib.models

  • added length validator, e.g. validators.Length(min_length=1, max_length=2)

0.29.0 (2022-07-05)

  • updated DictArray, DictSum, DictSumOrNone so they don't rebuild dicts from defaultdicts (only setting default_factory to None, so defaultdicts start raising KeyErrors like regular dicts)
  • changed c.naive conversion logic so it supports pre-warming its value by putting it as a function parameter with a default value (conversions are not obliged to use naive pre-warming; if they don't request it, they will deal with global lookups to __naive_values__ dict)

Experimental - contrib.models

  • updated casters to support expression-mode, where they can be used as a part of list/set/dict/tuple comprehension (instead of building these collections in a loop in simple cases)
  • sped up models
  • inlined validators.Required

0.28.0 (2022-07-03)

Experimental - contrib.models

  • added typing.Set support
  • added X | Y type support (PEP 604 - Python 3.10+)
  • added list[int]-like type definition support (Python 3.9+)

0.27.0 (2022-07-01)

Experimental - contrib.models

  • added a: bool = cast() support
  • added typing.Literal support

0.26.0 (2022-06-30)

Experimental - contrib.models

  • reworked errors, returned by build and build_or_raise to allow for automated errors processing (now it's clear where path ends and error info starts)
  • now cast not only supports casters, but complex types too: cast(t.List[t.Tuple[int]])
  • now it's possible to force all-field casting on a model level via Meta.cast = True class field
  • build and build_or_raise can also force children casting via cast=True parameter (doesn't affect inner models as they have their own controls)
  • now casting supports type-to-caster(s) overrides like: cast(overrides={date: casters.DateFromStr("%m/%d/%Y")}), Meta.cast_overrides and build(..., cast_overrides={date: [...]})
  • added validators.Decimal(max_digits, decimal_places)
  • extended str caster to decode bytes and supported custom encodings like casters.Str("utf-16")
  • added quantization support to casters.DecimalLossy(quantize_exp, rounding)
  • added typing.Tuple support (both validation and casting)


  • updated c.or_ and c.and_ to better flatten nested constructions

0.25.2 (2022-06-24)


  • fixed .gen_converter(class_method=True), broken in v0.25.0 where callable wrapper was eliminated. Now it returns a converter, wrapped with classmethod

0.25.1 (2022-06-24)


  • fixed label bug in case of nested pipes, introduced in 0.24.1: was leading to label key errors since labels were skipping initialization

0.25.0 (2022-06-22)

Experimental features:

  • introduced data validation models: convtools.contrib.models.DictModel (accesses keys and indexes) and convtools.contrib.models.ObjectModel (accesses attributes and indexes)


  • reworked converter generation to store generated code inside the main context
  • eliminated converter wrapper, which was a callable, taking care of dumping generated source code to tmpdir in cases of exceptions. Now converters take care of this themselves.
  • now long list/dict/tuple/set literal definition code includes newlines, so it's easier to debug in case of exception

0.24.1 (2022-05-29)


  • forced pipes to inline if labels of "what" conversion cannot affect "where" label usage

0.24.0 (2022-05-29)


  • introduced convtools.contrib.fs helpers: split_buffer and split_buffer_n_decode to close the gap in Python's open functionality, related to "newlines" (it doesn't support custom ones in text mode and doesn't support any in binary one).


  • reworked and improved the way function args are collected during code generation, now it better understands which variables need to be passed
  • reworked aggregates so they don't generate code twice (one for aggregation phase, another for result collection phase)
  • improved pipes to better understand when they can inline the code and when it's beneficial to pass a complex input to a function and then use it multiple times without recalculations
  • now pipes use estimated conversion weights (which correlate with computation costs), inferred for every Python version supported
  • optimized dependency tracking to omit trivial ones, while still collecting content types as a bitmask
  • reduced number of function calls, when using magic methods
  • improved GetItem conversion so it can use hardcoded versions of functions in trivial cases and cache converters in almost-trivial ones; stopped catching AttributeError when run with default
  • improved GetAttr conversion to inline attr lookups instead of getattr calls where possible; stopped catching (TypeError, KeyError, IndexError)

0.23.3 (2022-03-11)


  • fixed long existing bug in aggregations in cases where multiple reducers get initialized at different moments, e.g. the first reducer collects min values of column "a", while the second reducer collects max values of column "b", "min a" may get initialized earlier than "max b" and then this would raise Exception

0.23.2 (2022-03-10)


  • fixed c.attr("a", default=None).attr("b", default=None) (preferred c.attr("a", "b", default=None) was working though)
  • fixed too-many-parenthesis error for long chains of and_, or_ and ==

0.23.1 (2022-02-23)


  • allowed passing callables to and_then so they are called with input as an argument
  • made and_then handle the default case as a and conv(a) not if

0.23.0 (2022-02-22)


  • added c.and_then and (...).and_then shortcut to pipe if condition is true, otherwise leave untouched. Supports overriding default bool condition.

0.22.0 (2022-01-02)



  • added c.ReduceFuncs.ArraySorted reducer
  • reworked GetItem and GetAttr to cache get_or_default methods based on number of indexes and args
  • added support for single column tables (headers are always str still)


  • updated internals of arg def handling, made naive and labels optional
  • removed NamedConversion and ConversionWrapper in favor of new LazyEscapedString, Namespace and NamespaceCtx. This lays better groundwork for future use of conversions which generate code around another named ones.

0.21.0 (2021-12-19)


  • backward-compatible change: now c.this is preferred over c.this()
  • c.and_ and c.or_ support any number of arguments (used to be 2 mandatory ones). And also supports default: bool = None argument to control what should happen if no arguments are passed:

    • if None, raises ValueError
    • if false value, returns False
    • if true value, returns True

0.20.2 (2021-12-02)



  • improved performance of Table.chain, Table.into_iter_rows and Table.into_csv methods
  • improved performance of c.apply_func

0.20.1 (2021-11-29)



  • added c.chunk_by(c.item("x"), size=100) for slicing iterables into chunks by element values and/or size of chunk
  • added c.chunk_by_condition(c.CHUNK.item(-1) - c.this() < 100) for slicing iterables into chunks based on condition, which is a function of a current chunk and a current element
  • added (...).len() shortcut for c.call_func(len, c.this())


  • no longer create empty labels_ dict on each converter call where no labels are going to be used
  • no longer create new This instances, now reusing an existing one

0.19.0 (2021-10-28)



  • added c.ReduceFuncs.Percentile
  • c.reduce now accepts conversions as initial argument, this will be resolved on the first row met. If initial conversion depends on input data, it won't be used as default if default is not provided.
  • sped up c.ReduceFuncs.Sum and c.ReduceFuncs.Average for cases where elements are obviously not None


Normally you use c.ReduceFuncs.Sum(c.this()) to reduce something, but it's possible to use custom reduce functions like this:

  • c.reduce(lambda x, y: x + y, c.this(), initial=0)
  • c.reduce(c.inline_expr("{} + {}"), c.this(), initial=0)

c.reduce used to support prepare_first parameter which was adding confusion. Now it's dropped.

0.18.0 (2021-10-24)



  • added c.take_while and (...).take_while re-implementation of itertools.takewhile
  • added c.drop_while and (...).drop_while re-implementation of itertools.dropwhile

0.17.0 (2021-10-14)


  • added method to stitch tables (joining on row indexes)
  • added Table.chain method to put tables together one after another

0.16.0 (2021-10-12)


  • introduced Table conversions #3
  • added c.apply_func, c.apply and (...).apply_method conversions


  • fixed inner join with inner loop with soft conditions: any condition except for == and c.and_
  • fixed piping to callable with further calling pipe methods like as_type, filter and sort


  • reworked main converter callable wrapper so that it no longer dumps sources onto disk for beautiful stacktraces when the converter returns a generator (it used to make them down almost 2 times slower). If such debugging is needed, just enable debug. As for simple exceptions, these still dump code to disc on Exceptions because this should be cheap.

0.15.4 (2021-09-23)


  • fixed #2: issue with input args passed to pipe labels

0.15.3 (2021-09-19)


  • hard fork

0.15.2 (2021-09-17)


0.15.1 (2021-08-08)


  • replaced linecache populating code with real dumping generated code to files in either PY_CONVTOOLS_DEBUG_DIR (if env variable is defined) or to python's tempfile.gettempdir. This adds pydevd support (VS Code and PyCharm debugger).

0.15.0 (2021-08-02)


  • introduced c.breakpoint and (...).breakpoint() to simplify debugging long pipelines


  • [internals] created a separate conversion for c.this()
  • [internals] now c.naive is a direct init of NaiveConversion
  • improved quick start, cheatsheet and api docs

0.14.1 (2021-07-12)


  • fixed piping something complex to c.join


  • [internals] reworked aggregate & group_by templating
  • [internals] reworked optional items processing

0.14.0 (2021-06-27)


  • introduced, which supports both args to yield tuples and kwargs to yield dicts
  • introduced c.repeat -- the one from itertools
  • introduced c.flatten -- shortcut for itertools.chain.from_iterable

0.13.4 (2021-06-20)


  • fixed incorrect aggregate (not group_by) results in case of where conditions in reducers convtools-ita #32

0.13.3 (2021-06-14)

convtools-ita #30


  • fixed nested aggregations


  • [internals] reworked aggregate & group_by templating

0.13.2 (2021-05-27)


  • fixed join + input_arg case

0.13.1 (2021-05-23)


convtools-ita #29

  • fixed right join (conditions were not swapped correctly)

0.13.0 (2021-05-16)


convtools-ita #28

  • now c.iter supports where parameters just like c.generator_comp:

  • c.iter(c.this() + 1, where=c.this() > 0)

  • now it's possible to use .pipe wherever you want as long as it lets you do so, even piping in and out of reducers (c.ReduceFuncs)

  • e.g. it will raise an Exception if you try to add labels to a reducer input

  • now it's possible to use aggregate inside aggregate as long as you don't nest reducers

0.12.1 (2021-05-13)


  • fixed sporadic issues caused by code substring replacements (now it uses word replacements)

0.12.0 (2021-05-10)


  • .filter was unified across the library to work with previous step results only, no longer injecting conditions inside comprehensions & reducers. So to pass conditions to comprehensions & reducers, use the following:
c.ReduceFuncs.Array(c.item("a")).filter(c.item("b") == "bar")
c.ReduceFuncs.Array(c.item("a"), where=c.item("b") == "bar")
# if the condition is to be applied before the aggregation
# or leave as is if you want to filter the resulting array
  • c.generator_comp(...).filter(condition) no longer pushes condition inside the comprehension, the filtering works on resulting generator The same applies to:

    • c.list_comp
    • c.tuple_comp
    • c.set_comp
    • c.dict_comp
c.generator_comp(c.item("a")).filter(c.item("b") == "bar")
c.generator_comp(c.item("a"), where=c.item("b") == "bar")
# if the condition is to be put to the IF clause of the comprehension to
# work with the input elements or leave it as is if you want to filter the
# resulting generator

0.11.2 (2021-05-08)


  • introduced c.sort & (...).sort conversions, which are helpers for sorted; this is done for the sake of unification with methods of comprehension conversions


  • implemented GroupBy.filter, which returns generator of results without creating an intermediate list

0.11.1 (2021-05-07)


0.11.0 (2021-05-06)


convtools-ita #26

  • reimplemented pipes as a separate conversion + smart inlining
  • now pipes are the only conversions which take care of adding labels
  • introduced c.iter: shortcut for self.pipe(c.generator_comp(element_conv))
  • introduced c.iter_mut: generates the code which iterates and mutates the elements in-place. The result is a generator.


  • fixed GroupBy.filter method to return generator by default, instead of list

0.10.0 (2021-04-28)


convtools-ita #25 by Anexen

  • introduced c.ReduceFuncs.Average - arithmetic mean or weighted mean
  • introduced c.ReduceFuncs.Median
  • introduced c.ReduceFuncs.Mode - most frequent value; last one if there are many of the same frequency
  • introduced c.ReduceFuncs.TopK - list of most frequent values

0.9.4 (2021-04-27)


  • fixed c.item(..., default=c.input_arg("abc"))-like cases, where input args passed to item/attr with defaults

0.9.3 (2021-04-11)


  • fixed c.group_by case without reducers like: c.group_by(c.item(0)).aggregate(c.item(0))

0.9.2 (2021-03-28)


  • removed unnecessary debug=True enabled by default for join conversions

0.9.1 (2021-03-28)


convtools-ita #24

  • fixed populating linecache with source code (previously new lines were not preserved) -- debugging issue

0.9.0 (2021-03-24)


convtools-ita #23

  • improved reducers to be usable on their own

previously it was possible to use them only within c.reduce clause:

        (c.item("name"), c.item("value")),
  • allowed piping to reducers, still allowing to pipe the result further
        c.ReduceFuncs.Sum(c.this()).pipe(c.this() + 1)
  • fixed nested piping in aggregations
  • reworked docs to use testable code

0.8.0 (2021-01-03)


  • improved pylint rating
  • added a few type hints
  • added a few docstings

0.7.2 (2020-11-12)


0.7.1 (2020-07-12)


0.7.0 (2020-06-14)


  • Introduced c.Mut.set_item and other mutations to be used in ``(...).tap(...)``` method convtools-ita #20

0.6.1 (2020-05-18)


0.6.0 (2020-05-17)


    • introduced c.optional collection items, which get omitted based on value or a condition
  • improved converter generation so that inner conversions are not getting their own callable wrapper
  • updated generated code variable name generation convtools-ita #18

0.5.3 (2020-03-30)


0.5.2 (2020-03-29)


  • fixed Aggregate multiple reduce optimization
  • added main page
  • added workflow example

convtools-ita #14

0.5.1 (2020-03-26)

Updated index page docs.

0.5.0 (2020-03-23)


    • increased the speed of c.aggregate and c.group_by by collapsing multiple if statements into one
  • updated labeling functionality

convtools-ita #11

0.4.0 (2020-03-19)


  • Improved the way linecache is used: now the number of files to be put into the linecache is limited to 100. The eviction is done by implementing recently used strategy. convtools-ita #9
    • introduced c.join
  • improved & fixed pipes (code with side-effects piped to a constant)

convtools-ita #10

0.3.3 (2020-03-06)


    1. fixed main example docs
  • improved c.aggregate speed

convtools-ita #8

0.3.2 (2020-03-05)

Improved Documentation

    • updated docs (fixed numbers) and updated pypi docs

0.3.1 (2020-03-05)


    • introduced c.OptionsCtx
  • improved tests - memory leaks
  • improved docs - added the index page example; added an example to QuickStart

convtools-ita #7

0.3.0 (2020-03-01)


  • Introduced labeling:

    • c.item("companies").add_label("first_company", c.item(0)) labels the first company in the list as first_company and allows to use it as c.label("first_company") further in next and even nested conversions

    • (...).pipe now receives 2 new arguments:

    • label_input, to put some labels on the pipe input data

    • label_output to put labels on the output data.

    Both can be either str (label name to put on) or dict (keys are label names and values are conversions to apply to the data before labeling)

convtools-ita #6


  • Added __name__ attribute to ctx. Now internal code from the generated converter is sending to Sentry (not only file name). Also the generated converter became a callable object, not a function.

convtools-ita #5

0.2.3 (2020-02-27)


  • Fixed c.group_by((c.item("name"),)).aggregate((c.item("name"), c.reduce(...))). Previously it was compiling successfully, now it raises ConversionException on gen_converter because there is no explicit mention of c.item("name") field in group by keys (only tuple).

convtools-ita #4

0.2.2 (2020-02-25)


  • fixed c.aggregate to return a single value for empty input

convtools-ita #3

0.2.1 (2020-02-24)


  • c.aggregate now returns a single value (previously the result was a list of one item)

convtools-ita #2

0.2.0 (2020-02-23)


  • added c.if_ conversion and introduced QuickStart docs

convtools-ita #1